Living with Strangers
These courses, led by care experienced practitioners, use a combination of perspectives to gain insight into a young persons journey through care.
We have blended the direct experiences of young people, foster carers and practitioners and produced a video that will be used as a basis for workshop style activities. |
To gain maximum benefit from the courses, we suggested participants attend as part of a cohort – enabling the group to develop through both individual and peer learning. The group experience provides a safe place to explore ideas of ‘high support / high challenge’.
Topics covered include;
DAY 1 - Direct work skills for practice
DAY 2 - Moving in
DAY 3 - Making a home
DAY 4 - Making a difference
DAY 5 - Moving on
Who should attend?
Social Workers, Personal Advisors, Foster Carers and other professionals working directly with young people in care and leaving care.
Course Objectives
Each day is 4.5 hours
(Courses available individually on request)
Topics covered include;
DAY 1 - Direct work skills for practice
DAY 2 - Moving in
DAY 3 - Making a home
DAY 4 - Making a difference
DAY 5 - Moving on
Who should attend?
Social Workers, Personal Advisors, Foster Carers and other professionals working directly with young people in care and leaving care.
Course Objectives
- For participants to reflect on their own practice as they hear the direct voice of children and young people
- To gain an understanding of the care and leaving care system from first-hand accounts
- To fully understand the needs of young people and how best to support them as they experience care and prepare for adulthood
- As part of a group to support and challenge participants to improve and develop practice
Each day is 4.5 hours
(Courses available individually on request)
For more information on any of the training offered by the Rees Foundation, please get in touch with us by calling 0330 094 5645 or by emailing [email protected]